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Ginnifer Goodwin (Blanche Neige, Mary Margaret Blanchard)

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Ginnifer Goodwin (Blanche Neige, Mary Margaret Blanchard) Empty Ginnifer Goodwin (Blanche Neige, Mary Margaret Blanchard)

Message par Milady Dim 26 Mai - 21:12

Ginnifer Goodwin est née le 22 mai 1978 à Memphis dans le Tennessee aux Etats-Unis.

Messages : 848
Date d'inscription : 26/05/2013

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Ginnifer Goodwin (Blanche Neige, Mary Margaret Blanchard) Empty Re: Ginnifer Goodwin (Blanche Neige, Mary Margaret Blanchard)

Message par Milady Lun 24 Juin - 10:18


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Date d'inscription : 26/05/2013

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Ginnifer Goodwin (Blanche Neige, Mary Margaret Blanchard) Empty Re: Ginnifer Goodwin (Blanche Neige, Mary Margaret Blanchard)

Message par Milady Mar 2 Juil - 10:15

Ginnifer Goodwin fait la couverture du magazine Prestige de juillet.
Ginnifer Goodwin (Blanche Neige, Mary Margaret Blanchard) Presti11

Here’s what the 35-year-old actress had to share with the mag:

On preparing for her upcoming role as Jackie O: “I’m a homework junkie, and an obsessive researcher. She was a very private woman, so I’ve been avoiding reading bios of her. I don’t want to read other people’s opinions of her.”

On acting: “I find that acting enriches my private life more than it even enriches me as a performer. Because I’ve been so lucky, it’s meant that I’ve been able to have an incredible quality of real life that I hadn’t even thought about.”

On her career choices: “I thought I would either be an actress or an astronaut, knowing full well I’d never be an astronaut.”

Messages : 848
Date d'inscription : 26/05/2013

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Ginnifer Goodwin (Blanche Neige, Mary Margaret Blanchard) Empty Re: Ginnifer Goodwin (Blanche Neige, Mary Margaret Blanchard)

Message par Milady Dim 28 Juil - 17:50

Je viens de trouver par hasard dans un magazine pour ado (Melody times de mars 2013) une petite interview de Ginnifer Goodwin ou elle parle de son tatouage "pomme"
Ginnifer Goodwin (Blanche Neige, Mary Margaret Blanchard) Img_1810
Ginnifer Goodwin (Blanche Neige, Mary Margaret Blanchard) Img_1813
Et voici le fameux tatouage.
Rien de transcendant mais amusant quand on joue Blanche Neige Smile
Ginnifer Goodwin (Blanche Neige, Mary Margaret Blanchard) Ggappl10

Messages : 848
Date d'inscription : 26/05/2013

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Ginnifer Goodwin (Blanche Neige, Mary Margaret Blanchard) Empty Re: Ginnifer Goodwin (Blanche Neige, Mary Margaret Blanchard)

Message par Milady Ven 23 Aoû - 11:44

Une interview de Ginnifer Goodwin

Once Upon A Time Interview: Ginnifer Goodwin Talks Season 3
Posted by: Craig Byrne  in Interviews, KSiteTV News, Once Upon A Time August 22, 2013

Though she had a black spot on her heart in Season 2, Snow White is often as good as they come -- and the non-black-spotted Ginnifer Goodwin is always a pleasure to talk to.

GINNIFER GOODWINWe caught up with Goodwin at a roundtable discussion at this year's Comic-Con to get the scoop on what is coming for Once Upon A Time's third season, which begins with a trip to Neverland.

"It is fraught with good intentions," she says of the journey. "I think I can tell you that our intended destination is reached, and I can tell you that we're going to have to put our egos aside and come together, if we're not going to kill each other before we get there."

Once they get there, they'll have to get used to a new setting with different rules. "We're going to have to figure out who can help us here, because the rules of every realm are completely different, and we know that. We would never be so foolish as to try to use our tactics, our enchanted Snow White-Prince Charming world tactics, in another realm," she says. Snow will also have to deal with the conflict of sorting her feelings after the whole darkness-in-her-heart thing that has transpired.

"This is the cross she bears throughout the beginning of the season," she says. "I've only seen a couple of scripts, and I know very little of what's to come after the first couple of episodes, but I do know that, sort of like the characters are all going to have to come together, Snow herself is going to have to come together. She's going to have to reconcile these two disparate ends of herself in order to be useful to anybody there. She's torn in two at this point, and she's going to have to figure out what parts of Mary-Margaret, even, she's going to hold on to; and what parts of Mary-Margaret will actually drag her down," Goodwin confirms.

GINNIFER GOODWIN, JOSH DALLAS"Last year it was, for her, about living in the middle, and I think this year, it's about stepping it up and creating a new character. I mean this as Snow White. I think that she's realizing that living in the middle -- she thought it was going to be playing it safe, but instead it was disastrous. So it's more that she needs to change," she continues. Ginnifer openly admits that Snow's innate ability to trust everyone is not always the best thing to do. "I think that trust is one of her biggest downfalls," she says. "It's one of her biggest flaws. She gives everyone the benefit of the doubt all the time. I find it incredibly annoying! It's like, well, gee, isn't it a shocker that the Queen lied to her again? The only thing I do find interesting in terms of that is that she's endlessly right to trust Rumple, which I can't figure out as an actress, what it is that they have coming, that is why he does always do right by them somehow, and Snow White is trust that he will. But yeah. She gives everybody like 4,000 chances. She's a bit of a doormat in that way," she admits.

GINNIFER GOODWIN, JOSH DALLASGoodwin says that Snow's happy ending would involve "living with Prince Charming and Emma and Henry and seven dwarves, or eight, in the castle in the Enchanted Woods." But well before that happy ending comes, she'll have to deal with Neverland, and, at some point in Season 3, Goodwin's long-time hope of seeing the Little Mermaid on the show will be fulfilled. Is she hoping that Snow White and Ariel will interact.

"On dry land, yes," Goodwin says. "After our siren episode in the first season, I have no interest in ever diving into that tank again. And also, we shoot in Vancouver B.C. and it is always raining, so I'm wet enough. But, I do hope to interact with her when she does appear on dry land. And we know she gets her legs, so, there you go," she says, before taking a moment for clarification. "I mean in the story. I don't mean in our story! I'm not making any claims about what happens to Ariel in our story! I just mean in the story of the Little Mermaid."

Once Upon A Time Season 3 begins September 29 on ABC. Read some of our other content related
to the show!

Messages : 848
Date d'inscription : 26/05/2013

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Ginnifer Goodwin (Blanche Neige, Mary Margaret Blanchard) Empty Re: Ginnifer Goodwin (Blanche Neige, Mary Margaret Blanchard)

Message par Milady Mar 7 Jan - 16:01

Ginnifer Goodwin sa bague, son bidou et Josh Dallas Wink
Ginnifer Goodwin (Blanche Neige, Mary Margaret Blanchard) Ginnij10
Ginnifer Goodwin (Blanche Neige, Mary Margaret Blanchard) Ginni_10
Ginnifer Goodwin (Blanche Neige, Mary Margaret Blanchard) Ginnij11

Ils sont de retour sur les plateaux de tournage
Ginnifer Goodwin (Blanche Neige, Mary Margaret Blanchard) Tweet_11

Messages : 848
Date d'inscription : 26/05/2013

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Ginnifer Goodwin (Blanche Neige, Mary Margaret Blanchard) Empty Re: Ginnifer Goodwin (Blanche Neige, Mary Margaret Blanchard)

Message par Milady Mar 7 Jan - 16:02

L'actrice Ginnifer Goodwin n'a annoncé sa grossesse que fin novembre, mais à en croire les photos de son baby bump à l'aéroport de Vancouver, le 5 janvier, on peut penser que la jeune femme de 34 ans va accoucher incessamment sous peu.

Ginnifer Goodwin ne peut plus cacher sa grossesse. Annoncée en novembre dernier, la future maternité de l'actrice de 34 ans ne fait plus de doute. Sur Twitter, elle avait ironisé : "C'est vrai! Il y a un petit pain dans mon four! Merci pour vos messages de soutien et votre affection."

Son baby bump est donc déjà bien avancé. La star de Once Upon A Time n'a pas révélé la date de son terme mais à en croire les clichés pris à l'aéroport de Vancoucer le 5 janvier, on imagine que le bébé sera parmi nous au printemps. C'est en compagnie de son boyfriend Josh Dallas, qui est aussi son partenaire dans la série, qu'elle a fait une rare apparition publique. Le couple qui a eu le coup de foudre en avril 2012 ne se quitte plus. Les deux tourtereaux se sont fiancés mi-octobre. Celle qui interprète Blanche-Neige va donc épouser le Prince Charmant. A la ville comme à la scène ils sont inséparables. Pas une scène de Ginnifer ne se passe sans que Josh ne soit à ses côtés.

Messages : 848
Date d'inscription : 26/05/2013

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Ginnifer Goodwin (Blanche Neige, Mary Margaret Blanchard) Empty Re: Ginnifer Goodwin (Blanche Neige, Mary Margaret Blanchard)

Message par Milady Jeu 1 Mai - 20:15

Ginnifer Goodwin, la naissance semble pour bientôt vu la taille du baby bump  Shocked
Ginnifer Goodwin (Blanche Neige, Mary Margaret Blanchard) Ginnif10

Messages : 848
Date d'inscription : 26/05/2013

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Ginnifer Goodwin (Blanche Neige, Mary Margaret Blanchard) Empty Re: Ginnifer Goodwin (Blanche Neige, Mary Margaret Blanchard)

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