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Once Upon a Time - Episode 302 - Lost Girl (attention spoilers)

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Once Upon a Time - Episode 302 -  Lost Girl (attention spoilers) Empty Re: Once Upon a Time - Episode 302 - Lost Girl (attention spoilers)

Message par Milady Dim 6 Oct - 14:22

Promo de l'épisode 302

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Date d'inscription : 26/05/2013

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Once Upon a Time - Episode 302 -  Lost Girl (attention spoilers) Empty Re: Once Upon a Time - Episode 302 - Lost Girl (attention spoilers)

Message par Milady Dim 6 Oct - 14:23

Sneak peek !

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Date d'inscription : 26/05/2013

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Once Upon a Time - Episode 302 -  Lost Girl (attention spoilers) Empty Re: Once Upon a Time - Episode 302 - Lost Girl (attention spoilers)

Message par Milady Dim 6 Oct - 14:25

Emma, accompagnée de ses parents, de Regina et de Hook, est partie à la recherche d'Henry sur l'île de Neverland. Sur place, tous ont découvert un endroit rempli de pièges et de surprises. Pendant qu'ils avançaient dans la forêt à la recherche d'un quelconque indice, Henry lui, tombait dans le piège de Peter Pan. Ce dernier semble vouloir garder le petit garçon à tout prix, mais nous ne savons pas encore pour quelle raison. Une chose est sûre, il ne le laissera pas partir facilement. Dans un extrait inédit que nous vous dévoilons aujourd'hui, c'est au cœur de ce qui semble être un rêve qu'Emma fait la connaissance du chef des enfants perdus. Ce dernier a un cadeau pour elle : une carte. Selon ses paroles, si Emma suit le fameux parchemin, elle trouvera Henry. Seulement voilà, la carte est blanche et aucune inscription n'y figure. Lorsqu'elle en fait la remarque à Peter Pan, ce dernier lui rétorque "Avant de pouvoir lire cette carte, tu vas devoir accepter ce que tu es".
Une énigme qu'Emma va devoir résoudre si elle veut revoir son fils. Une chose est sûre, l'île n'est pas indifférente au pouvoir de la jeune femme puisque, de tout le groupe, elle seule peut entendre les pleurs des jeunes garçons perdus. Bon ou mauvais présage ?

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Date d'inscription : 26/05/2013

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Once Upon a Time - Episode 302 -  Lost Girl (attention spoilers) Empty Re: Once Upon a Time - Episode 302 - Lost Girl (attention spoilers)

Message par Milady Dim 6 Oct - 16:59


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Date d'inscription : 26/05/2013

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Once Upon a Time - Episode 302 -  Lost Girl (attention spoilers) Empty Re: Once Upon a Time - Episode 302 - Lost Girl (attention spoilers)

Message par Milady Dim 6 Oct - 17:04

1.Hook is somewhere in the middle of good and bad for the time being... but look for some interesting relationships to form, according to Colin O'Donoghue. "You've got the three bad guys and the three good guys and they're all sort of thrown in and they have to work together, so there's bound to be conflict and then sort of unlikely friendships. They'll be a couple of surprises in there, which I think people will be surprised with." Will his character back off from flirting with Emma? "I guess you'll just have to see, won't you?" he said with a Hook-like grin.

Hook balance entre le bien et le mal. Il va y avoir des conflit, des alliances et des surprises.
Hook va-t-il flirter avec Emma? ... Il faut regarder la série Smile

Once Upon a Time - Episode 302 -  Lost Girl (attention spoilers) 11576910

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Date d'inscription : 26/05/2013

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Once Upon a Time - Episode 302 -  Lost Girl (attention spoilers) Empty Re: Once Upon a Time - Episode 302 - Lost Girl (attention spoilers)

Message par Milady Dim 6 Oct - 17:08

2.Speaking of Emma, where is her heart since she's grieving Neal, who we know is very much alive? "She's extremely vulnerable this season," Morrison explained. "She IS human. She's definitely been through a lot." Does that mean she may say yes if Hook persists? Morrison didn't necessarily agree with that but did add: "I just know that she does not have her guard up the same way, partially because of Neverland and partially because of how much she's been through at this point. And also because she's desperately in love with her son and will do anything to get him back and to take care of him and protect him.

Emma est très vulnérable cette saison. Elle doit faire le deuil de Neal et cherche son fils.
Va-t-elle céder à Hook s'il continue? Jennifer n'en est pas persuadée...
Once Upon a Time - Episode 302 -  Lost Girl (attention spoilers) Hook3011

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Date d'inscription : 26/05/2013

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Once Upon a Time - Episode 302 -  Lost Girl (attention spoilers) Empty Re: Once Upon a Time - Episode 302 - Lost Girl (attention spoilers)

Message par Milady Dim 6 Oct - 17:14

3. We'll see that magic is not what we're used to now that we're in Neverland. "It's different than in Storybrooke in the second season," said Lana Parrilla. "It was just a little bit wonky and nothing quite worked the way she had hoped. In Neverland, it's more like she's being contained. Like her magic's being contained and she's been forbidden to use it. That's because when we use magic, it alerts Pan and the Lost Boys where we are."

LLa magie ne sera pas tout à fait la même qu'à Storybrooke. Regina avait déjà dû se contenir dans la saison 2 et maintenant chaque fois que quelqu'un utilise la magie cela alerte Peter Pan et les Lost Boys...

Once Upon a Time - Episode 302 -  Lost Girl (attention spoilers) Img_2115

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Date d'inscription : 26/05/2013

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Once Upon a Time - Episode 302 -  Lost Girl (attention spoilers) Empty Re: Once Upon a Time - Episode 302 - Lost Girl (attention spoilers)

Message par Milady Dim 6 Oct - 17:15

4.But good news for those wanting Regina to get a little love in her life. Parrilla teased there is romance coming and while she wouldn't give up too many details, she did reveal "there is something coming up...I will say, Regina has not met him. But maybe the audience has." (Who do you think this mystery love could be?!?)

Bonne nouvelle Regina va trouver un peu d'amour. Elle ne l'a pas encore vu mais nous oui... Robin des bois?
Once Upon a Time - Episode 302 -  Lost Girl (attention spoilers) 90282010

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Date d'inscription : 26/05/2013

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Once Upon a Time - Episode 302 -  Lost Girl (attention spoilers) Empty Re: Once Upon a Time - Episode 302 - Lost Girl (attention spoilers)

Message par Milady Dim 6 Oct - 17:21

Watch for Henry to be even more independent as he's separated from his family while held captive by the Lost Boys. Will his usual undying belief hold up? "His belief will change," Jared Gilmore teased. "He believed in Emma and her being the savior. And then the second season, he believed about Fairytales and in his family and friends. Now, he doesn't have anyone to believe in." Perhaps he'll find some unlikely alliances in Neverland?

En quoi Henry va-t-il croire à Neverland? Il n'a personne en qui croire peut-être va-t-il faire d'improbables alliances...

Once Upon a Time - Episode 302 -  Lost Girl (attention spoilers) Img_2211

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Date d'inscription : 26/05/2013

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Once Upon a Time - Episode 302 -  Lost Girl (attention spoilers) Empty Re: Once Upon a Time - Episode 302 - Lost Girl (attention spoilers)

Message par Milady Dim 6 Oct - 17:27

A Neal/Mulan coupling? Don't count on it, but James does get why the two might get along. "I think they're similar," he said. "They're a bit of kindred spirits in terms of being on the outside a little bit, you know? So yeah, I certainly think there's a bond." And while Neal has some skills of his own in defending himself, he may get some help. "[Mulan's] got impressive skills as a warrior that can come in handy," he added with a smile.

Un couple Neal-Mulan? N'y comptez pas.
Mais ils se ressemblent beaucoup et vont joindre leurs compétences pour permettre à Neal de retrouver Emma et Henry.

Once Upon a Time - Episode 302 -  Lost Girl (attention spoilers) Ep301_10

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Date d'inscription : 26/05/2013

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Once Upon a Time - Episode 302 -  Lost Girl (attention spoilers) Empty Re: Once Upon a Time - Episode 302 - Lost Girl (attention spoilers)

Message par Milady Dim 6 Oct - 17:29

Snow may be getting shut down by Emma in terms of being a mom, but Ginnifer Goodwin said Snow isn't about to give up gaining her grown daughter's affection. "She's having to learn to compromise in that way this season," the actress told us. "And not give Emma her space necessarily and let it be but reconfigure in Snow's mind what it is that she needs to do to earn Emma's love because it's not going to be nearly as easy as apologizing profusely."

Emma ne va pas laisser si facilement Snow jouer les mamans. Snow va devoir gagner l'amour d'Emma et pas seulement en s'excusant.

Once Upon a Time - Episode 302 -  Lost Girl (attention spoilers) Ep302_11

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Date d'inscription : 26/05/2013

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Once Upon a Time - Episode 302 -  Lost Girl (attention spoilers) Empty Re: Once Upon a Time - Episode 302 - Lost Girl (attention spoilers)

Message par Milady Dim 6 Oct - 17:36

Neverland is going to messy with everyone, says Josh Dallas. The actor said the island is "about belief and it's about believing in who you are and who you are at the core." While Pan is an obstacle, he said, so is each of our Storyland characters. "It's about believing in who you are and then keeping who you are and compromising as a group in order to get this done. I guess you can say Pan does prey on that, but in Neverland, Neverland is Pan." Also watch for Snow and Charming to go through some challenges that are too spoilery to talk about at the moment

A Neverland chacun va devoir croire en ce qu'il est vraiment au fond de lui. Snow et Charming vont devoir relever de grands défis mais c'est encore trop tôt pour le connaître. Spoilers. Wink
Once Upon a Time - Episode 302 -  Lost Girl (attention spoilers) Josh_d10

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Date d'inscription : 26/05/2013

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Once Upon a Time - Episode 302 -  Lost Girl (attention spoilers) Empty Re: Once Upon a Time - Episode 302 - Lost Girl (attention spoilers)

Message par Milady Dim 6 Oct - 17:38

9 Parrilla explained that the Regina/Emma dynamic is definitely different this season and [gasp] there may be signs of a truce in one major regard. "They start to talk about themselves as the mothers of Henry," Parrilla said. "I found that to be quite refreshing. Especially for the first two seasons, all I kept saying was, 'He's my son. He's my son. He's my son.' And this year, 'he's our son and we have to save our son.' I like that. I like that they're coming together."

Un petit changement dans les relations Emma/Regina. Elles vont enfin dire notre fils en parlant d'Henry et s'allier.

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Date d'inscription : 26/05/2013

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Once Upon a Time - Episode 302 -  Lost Girl (attention spoilers) Empty Re: Once Upon a Time - Episode 302 - Lost Girl (attention spoilers)

Message par Milady Dim 6 Oct - 17:40

10.Nobody is happier about the Rumpbelle pairing than Emilie de Ravin. When asked why she thinks it works, the actress said: "I think the dynamic just clicked. It’s not about age or looks or the situation being so weird. Basically, he’s awful to her at times and she’s such a strong person that she can see through that, as well." And while it may be awhile before we're back in Storybrooke, [SPOILER ALERT] don't be surprised if you get a little dose of Rumpbelle sooner rather than later.

Personne n'est plus heureux qu'Emilie De Ravin du couple Rumpbelle. Ne soyez pas étonné si d'ici peu nous les retrouvons.

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Date d'inscription : 26/05/2013

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Once Upon a Time - Episode 302 -  Lost Girl (attention spoilers) Empty Re: Once Upon a Time - Episode 302 - Lost Girl (attention spoilers)

Message par Milady Dim 6 Oct - 17:44

Back to the Future?! Not exactly but Goodwin shared her excitement in getting dynamics with the core characters that harken back to the Once pilot. "We're back to that story, really," she gushed. "Having all these characters stuck in a place together where they have to check their egos...they're all realizing they have to check their egos." She said the common goal of saving Henry drives much of this as "they're going to have to put all the conflict between them on the backburner, and it's really exciting to explore their new relationships that involve team work."

Retour vers le futur? No pas vraiment mais on en revient au pilote ils vont devoir mettre leurs conflits de côté pour sauver Henry et nous allons explorer de nouvelles relations qu'impliquent ce travail d'équipe.

Once Upon a Time - Episode 302 -  Lost Girl (attention spoilers) Once_u10

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Date d'inscription : 26/05/2013

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